OTP Festival Invitation & Application for Popular History & Unique Oral Testimony Presentations

·      Opens: 3rd August 2021

·      Closes: Extended to 30th September 2021!


Dear Applicant,

Many thanks for your interest in this project. OUTing the Past International Festival of LGBT+ History is delighted to invite presentations for 2022 to be celebrated at UK and US Festival Hubs.  We are delighted to be working with Schools OUT UK the founders of LGBT+ History Month, and the theme for 2022 is LGBT+ political artists for information check here


We are keen to receive individuals and groups that showcase either: 


1.    A historical reading of the past, or 

2.    An archival source and personal oral testimonies, sets of photos, or significant documents and the stories behind them 

3.    A researched presentation on a piece of unknown LGBT history


Your historical presentation/reading/interpretation might be a presentation/explanation of a past – local, regional or national: 

o   event or related events of direct relevance to the Human/LGBT Rights agenda & experience of history of a group or a specific campaign 

o   an account of a personal journey that includes a number of viewpoints 


Due to the vital need to mitigate the devastating effects and consequences of the global Coronavirus pandemic on all our lives and endeavours we are converting OUTing the Past 2022 into a hybrid/blended Festival. For this stage in the Festival this means that those who kindly offer and have their presentations adopted (i.e. Gazetted) will be invited to make a video version or maybe requested to deliver their presentation virtually, which will then be recorded. We will be aiding those who in common with many of the older OTP team are still learning about the new technology. The advantage can be easily seen on our pilot OTP Festival YouTube site @ HERE .


Recorded OTP presentations have a global audience and thereby the task of educating the public, especially the young, of our “hidden history” will take a big step forward. As with last year each festival presentation is intended as a vignette of no more than twenty minutes long. We are particularly keen to showcase past experiences and history presentations from those sections of our community whom we too rarely hear from, such as black and ethnic minority, disabled, non-binary and bisexual people, and their history.


Your presentation’s source might be:


(i)             A testimony about a personal or collective experience,

(ii)           A set of campaigning leaflets/publicity and the story behind them

(iii)         Personal or other photo-images and the stories behind them

(iv)         A letter or document that again provides a reading of that past commonly ignored or denied.


What all categories of presentations have in common is that they help educate the public about the neglected understanding of past attitudes towards sex and gender identity.


We are keen to maintain the OTP Festival Hub showcase network together with the inter-active Q&A session that follows every presentation. We are commencing discussion with OTP Festival Partners for 2022 regarding the technological capacities to allow a live Q&A session following the e-presentation. 


We unfortunately cannot guarantee that your presentation will be chosen by the hubs, it is not in our gift to do so. Hence, we have offered the chance to share your video on our media channels and/or add you to the lists we produce of people offering presentations so that other organisations and festivals can avail themselves of your knowledge see here and here


Please fill in this form: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6B6XMZV



The contact details of those kindly offering presentations will be retained by OUTing the Past’s Gazette Coordinator for future use unless you request them to be deleted. The Gazette Coordinator can be contacted at Festival.Gazette@outingthepast.org.uk