OTP 2021 Programme - Leicester LGBT Centre


Leicester LGBT Centre is excited to be taking part in OUTing The Past for the second year running! Our digital event takes place on Tuesday 23rd February, 6-9pm, and is open to all. We are confident that this festival and our part in it can spread awareness of LGBT+ history in a powerful way, so we’d like to say a huge thank you to the team at OUTing The Past, from Schools OUT UK, for coordinating these brilliant events and getting LGBT+ History on the agenda in our communities.

In our last update, we said that we aimed to host a dynamic evening with a diverse range of presentations, enlightening people about different LGBT+ experiences, events, and issues throughout the years, and encouraging people to be activists in the local community. Now that we’ve selected our speakers, we believe we’re delivering on this and can’t wait to bring people together for what is sure to be a fantastic event.

Event Programme (approximate timings):

6.00pm - Welcome and introduction from the LGBT Centre and OUTing The Past

6.15pm - Jo Somerset: 'Morley Clarke' - H. Morley Clarke (1915-2007) was a tailor in Leicester 1930s-1970s. By day he made men’s suits, by night he made ball gowns for his ‘homosexual’ friends. His partner, Roland Spence, had a bookshop a few doors away from Morley’s shop. As Morley lived with his mother, they couldn’t live together until she died. A local history story, about hidden lives and very private resistance.

7.00pm - Dr Ju Gosling: 'Regard: 30 years of campaigning for equality by LGBTQI+ Disabled People ' - As many as one in three LGBTQI+ people are Disabled, but our lives remain invisible in the work of mainstream organisations. This presentation will shine a light on the vital work Regard has been doing since 1989 to represent Disabled people in the LGBTQI+ sector; lead on LGBTQI+ issues in the Disability sector; combat social isolation among its members; and campaign on issues that specifically impact on LGBTQI+ Disabled people, especially social care and hate crime.

7.45pm - Rico Jacob Chace: 'Trans Lives in British History' - We exist and have always existed. This presentation begins to address the unhelpful belief that the Trans community is a new phase spurred on by social media, and raises awareness of some of the historic achievements of our community. Paying particular attention to BAME and working-class stories, shining light on these amazing lives will build confidence for Trans people and understanding for our cis allies.

8.30pm - Q&A and close

Tickets are available to book now, either for free or on a ‘pay what you can’ donation basis, through Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/135994534313. We hope you'll join us for this brilliant opportunity to learn and share together!

For more information on our Centre and services, or to ask any questions, follow us on social media and get in touch at the contacts below.

Facebook: @LLGBTC | Twitter: @leicesterlgbt | Instagram: @leicesterlgbtcentre | Website: www.leicesterlgbtcentre.org | Email: info@leicesterlgbtcentre.org

Jenny Ardrey